The Healing Journey of a Lifetime
Nearly a decade ago I faced the hardest dilemma of my life: to proceed with a major, irreversible surgery due to severe disease of the digestive system, or to try to heal my gut naturally without drugs or surgery. I was incapacitated and less than a month away from surgery day when I decided it was time to get to the root of what had been triggering my Crohn’s disease for for over 20 years at the time, and deal with it once and for all.
I took a deep dive into microbiology, nutrition and nutrigenomics, immunology, epigenetic, holistic medicine, and herbalism. Within a few weeks of implementing the program I created and was testing on myself, I started to feel some relief and improvement. This prompted me to defer the surgery for another so that I could keep going on my new path.
Week after week, I continued to make gains and kept pushing off the surgery as there seemed to be less and less need for it, even though just a few months prior, I had been told by my gastroenterologist that surgery was my only option left. I was told there were no medical therapies that could reverse the disease symptoms and that only by surgically removing three, long strips of my small intestine, would I be able to manage the debilitating symptoms of the disease.
Being the stubborn, autodidact that I am, I decided to continue on my path. There were many falls and setbacks along the way, as I tested various foods and holistic therapies on myself. By the six month mark, I was feeling considerably better, and by one year into my program, the symptoms of chronic disease had nearly disappeared completely. I astonished myself with the realizatdion that after more than 20 years of chronic gut disease, I had finally achieved control over my disease and body and finally felt healthy and normal again.
I became so passionate about what I had discovered, that I felt a strong urge to spread the word to as many people as I could. YES the body can heal itself! YES chronic disease need not continue for the rest of your life! YES there are other solutions to drugs and surgery.
Since then I’ve been helping people I know through my network of friends and family on a volunteer basis whenever time permits. Now I see this mission as being so important that I have decided to make a career of it so that I can dedicate all my time to sharing this critical knowledge and helping people heal and improve their quality of life.
If you or someone you know suffers from a chronic gut disease like IBS, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis or any just feels something isn’t working right in their digestive track, please reach out for a free, non-committal consultation.
Thanks for reading and I hope my story inspires you to start your own healing journey.
Paul Kane
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